Weight Loss Surgery Journey
story is really not that different from most of you. It
would seem to me, that for as long as I can remember I have
struggled with my weight. I always had one excuse or
another for why the weight wouldn't come off when I tried so
many of the various diets. I guess the beginning for me
was when I was pregnant with my son. I didn't gain a lot of
weight, I just never got rid of what I did gain. And so it
was the same with my next two pregnancies. I always
thought...it's not so bad as long as I dress appropriately, look
nice and take care of myself. Well.....19 years later,
here I am.
My turning point was monumental. My son had just graduated
from High School and we were all gathered at our home both prior
to the graduation and immediately after the graduation.
Tons of family and friends were here and we were all anxious to
have those million pictures taken with the "graduate".
Me being the mom....I was thrilled for him and for the journey
that awaited him, and yet so sad for myself because I was losing
my baby, and my son after 3 short months of summer would be
"gone" from my home. It didn't matter that he
was only going to school...what mattered was that when I woke up
each day after he started college, that I would never ever feel
the same. So that you know....I have come to terms with
his being gone...and I love it now more when he comes home and
visits. I also try very hard to make trips to see him now
that he is in his second year and has an apartment.
Anyway, later that evening after everyone had left our home, I
brought all the cameras in to my computer and downloaded all the
pictures of everyone with my son. And at that moment, I do
not believe I have ever cried harder in my life. Every
single picture that I had taken with him made me sick to
my stomach. I hated the way I looked in all of them.
Only one...was even acceptable..and it was because I was
"behind" him. I vowed to myself at that moment,
that I would never ever again have pictures taken that I had to
be ashamed of or that made me feel the way those pictures did.
So there....began my journey for having this Weight Loss
I attended a seminar in my town put on by the surgeons office
that I was interested in using. The first thing I learned
that was for him to even see me, I had to quit smoking and be
smoke free for 30 days. My Dr. also recommended starting
an exercise program of walking. The next thing was that I had
to fill out tons of paperwork, have a consultation and then
proceed from there. I was so excited when I returned from
the seminar just at the prospect that perhaps there was
something in my life I could use to help change my life and give
it back to me!
I left the seminar, came home, researched information on
stopping smoking and began from there. Six weeks after the
seminar, I had been off the cigarettes for a little over 30 days
and had been walking 2 miles a day for most of that time and was
off to see my Dr. for the first time. It was June 1st,
2007. My visit went well and I was ever more excited on
the drive home. Now, it was a matter of getting approved
from my insurance I never doubted that it would
happen, to many things had already gone my way. After all,
I had quit smoking after over 25 years!
Woohoo, my surgery was approved on the first submission.
My surgery was scheduled for the 24th day of August, and nothing
was going to keep me from being there! On the 14th day of
August I was required to start a clear liquids diet and let me
tell you, it was not near as easy as it sounds....but....I made
it! I didn't care at that point if I ever touched another Popsicle...or drank another cup of broth. But, I have
overcome those two things as well. They have become my
friends again :)
The hospital where I was having my surgery was actually in
another state. It was just about 45 miles from me, so I
was required to drive down the day before and have the last
minute labs, etc. done. Then it was off to the Rothgaber
House where I would stay the night and be up to go to the
hospital the next morning. I was so excited I could barely
sleep. Many things wondered through my mind that night,
but most of all, the ones that made me smile...were the ones of
me having pictures again with my son, only this time it would be
from his 'College Graduation". A much more monumental
moment.....now that the other has passed me by.
My surgery was perfect, no problems and in less than 48 hours I
had my staples out, and was on the road back to the Rothgaber
House to stay one more additional night, just to make sure
everything was going fine. On Monday morning, Dr. Warnock
came to visit me, checked my incision and released me to go
home. My journey home was awesome. It seemed to me
at the time that the whole world looked brighter already!
It has now been almost 8 weeks since my surgery and I have
still not had any complications. I've had an upset tummy a
few times, but only because I did something wrong....not being
careful. Nothing serious though...thank goodness. I
attended my first support group meeting just a couple of weeks
ago. It's a little hard sometimes to get there, since it
is out of town, but the meeting itself was fabulous! I'll
definitely be going back, again and again. Their support
and encouragement are awesome. I do not know how anyone
could do this all on their own. So, if you have any issues
or are struggling, my best advice, find a support group!!!
Next piece of advice...get involved with them, exchange phone
numbers, email, and become friends!
As of today...October 18th. 2007. I am down 36lbs.
I way excited and loving the feeling more each day. **A
simple note*** my son, calls me every single day.....just to
tell me hello and to see how much more I have lost. On
those days when the scale doesn't move, he says, "It's OK
Mommy"....it's going to move again soon. What a kid
huh? My daughters...they are just as awesome. They
have been so supportive and are learning that they too can enjoy
a whole new way of life. It doesn't have to be all about
junk food or fast food for them to love it. My
husband....Oh my gosh, he's loving that we are all getting
healthier and that we are all "eating at home more"
and that there is no longer a "cloud of doom" hanging
over me. My husband purchased a fabulous treadmill
for me because it's beginning to get colder in the evenings and
that's when I like to walk, so now, I'm continuing to do my 2+
miles a day and feeling so much better than I could ever begin
to explain. I'm loving life....finally!
25, 2007
the last few weeks have been a truly incredible ride. I
finally allowed myself to have my picture taken again at 6 weeks
and have posted several pictures of my wonderful family. I
got to see my niece this past weekend for the first time since
my surgery She actually whistled at me and told me how
exciting it was to see the transformation up to this point.
We both got excited about what Christmas might bring which will
be the next time I get to spend time with her and her daddy (who
is my brother). I have decided to set a "mini"
goal for myself. As of today, October 24th, I weighed in
at 210. So between now and Christmas morning, I want to
see the scale move to 199. I think that is realistic and
very do able...lol. What do you think? Hope you all
have a very blessed weekend. Hugs to you while you travel
on this journey...to a new life!
November 3, 2007
is just November 3rd, and I am down another 3 lbs from my
last post 9 days ago. That may not seem like much to
some, but for me, it's awesome. I'm finally figuring out how to get most of my protein in and that there are more
foods that I am able to eat. I may not like all of the
things that my new tummy can handle, but...I'm learning to
"adjust". I certainly don't eat things that
I just absolutely don't like....I just have to broaden my
horizons a little and eat some of the things that are
"good" for me. I'm excited that I am getting
closer to my goal. I want so bad to be below 200
before Christmas, more importantly, I'd love to do it before
my next check up on the 14th of December. I'd
definitely be doing the happy dance. Have a blessed
week my friends and do well on your journey!
12, 2007
is November 12th, and I am again down another 3 lbs to
203 in the last week. I'm getting really excited that
it is coming off, but a little discouraged at the same time
because it seems as though it is not showing so much in
appearance. I keep waiting patiently for that awwww
moment, but so far, it's in the little things...which I
suppose ultimately are the most important ones. I've
noticed little things like...I can wrap a towel around me
and it's not gapping open at the bottom, I can very
comfortably cross my legs now, I get very cold instead of
being a constant hot box...and, woohoo, had to get new
undies because the others were falling down inside my jeans.
I just want so much to be able to see it in pictures.
My children all comment on a regular basis and so does my
wonderful husband, but I want to truly be able to see if for
myself. Oh well, I'm still moving downward on my mini
challenge for Christmas. That's a positive thing
right? Hope you are all having a wonderful journey
with me and have a fabulous week!
Big Hugs, Karen
are some pictures so far. I am currently 2 1/2 months
post op and have lost a total of 47 lbs. There are 3
sets in this animation, the first taken on August 23rd, the
night before my surgery, the second taken at 6 weeks post op
and the 3rd taken at 2 1/2 months.
![](http://www.geocities.com/addon/gadget-rod-100-320/) |
14, 2007
Sometimes, its not the big
things that mean the most to you..it's the small ones that happen out of the
blue that take your breath away. Yesterday, I was celebrating my fathers
73rd birthday with him and my mother. We had taken my daddy out to
dinner, because after all, it's what we have done for years and years right?
Well, he loves Mexican food, so obviously, we went for Mexican. For me,
it was a beef taco...it's all my tummy can handle, and certainly fills me to
the brim. Not so much lettuce, more cheese please...gotta have the little
extra protein right? So anyway, I'm setting next to my dad and his huge
plate of food, and out of the blue, he says, you know honey, you are really
looking fabulous. Awwwwwwww, I wanted to much to burst in to happy tears.
I simply told him thank you, and that I love him very very much. He
replied....I know you do. So friends, just when you think you haven't
really lost all that much, or just when you think that other people are not
noticing much.....remember the little moments. This one is one I will
carry with me for a long long time. My fathers health is not good..it's
been on the decline for the last couple of years, but I cherish moments with
him and this one was a good one...I love you daddy...very very much!
This is my
daddy and my mom. They have been married for 54
years! I think I have been blessed with the most wonderful
parents ever on this planet!
25, 2007
Today, is
November 25th, and yesterday I celebrated my 3 month anniversary
of my surgery. On Thanksgiving morning when I woke, I was
down exactly 49 lbs, and, on the morning of my anniversary, I
was down exactly 50 lbs. I had set a mini goal for myself
to see 199 before Christmas and friends, I have seen it on my 3
month anniversary and still have a month to go before Christmas.
I'm excited to see what that morning will bring my way.
Some people may think that 50 lbs in 3 months isn't exactly a lot.
Well, to some it may not be, but for me, I'm just thankful.
It's FIFTY POUNDS I am not longer carrying around, slowing me
down, embarrassing me in family pictures, and destroying my
health. I allowed myself to actually be an important part
of our family pictures this year on Thanksgiving. I was
excited to be able to see the end result and know that this year
when I send out my cards to family and friends and they see the
picture, that I have 50 lbs less to be concerned about. I
felt great...and honestly loved the pictures. Even my
children were having fun, not having to hide mommy. Isn't
that the neatest thing? Well, for me....it's awesome.
I'm anxious now to see what kinds of pictures I can do on
Christmas morning. Perhaps in my new PJ's that I have
taken to wearing because I stay cold more often. Hm....and
well, they have gone down in size from 26/28 to um....woohoo,
XL! I shopped a little on Wednesday before
Thanksgiving and found myself loving the "little side"
of CATO. I'm now in 14/16 shirts and still a few XL,
depending on the cut. I'm surely not complaining.
Jeans...woohoo, I'm happy to report are down from 24W and some
26W's depending on the cut...to an 18. My husband says I
should have ventured into the 16's, but I'm still a little more
self conscious so perhaps in the near future.
Be blessed everyone....and remember the reasons you have to be
Thankful on this Holiday Weekend! Love, Karen
December 20,
I'm completely shocked that
it has been so long since I have added to my blog. Wow,
where does the time go? I've spent many hours walking the
stores, something that I haven't really done the last few years
because I got to darn tired, and I've spent even more hours,
wrapping all the stuff that my family has been blessed with.
I should have updated last week and failed to, so let me start
with saying this....on Christmas Eve, it will be 4 months since
my surgery. I am currently down 57 lbs and loving it.
It's been a slow month for weight loss, but at my Dr.'s visit on
the 14th, he said I was progressing at the perfect rate, so if
he's pleased, who am I to argue? I truly wish it were
more, but my body just isn't letting go of it any faster than it
has been all along. I guess in some ways that is a good
thing. My Dr. has said all along that he doesn't want it
to come off toooooo rapidly, so here I am today!
I'm excited for Christmas, finally got all of my 100+ Christmas
cards written and mailed and have the ones I have received
hanging all over my house. Indeed, it has been a wonderful
feeling getting all the fabulous cards. My daughters are
going to post them on a map just as soon as we take them all
down. We've been putting the addresses on the inside so we
will remember exactly where each person is from! Wow, what
an incredible fun project the whole thing has turned out to
be!!! If you didn't get the opportunity to take part,
please consider it for next year, I can promise you it is
Many blessing to you all as the New Year approaches and
remember, for those of us that have had surgery, we do not have
to make a resolution to "start another diet", we have
already taken charge of that....and for those who have surgery
upcoming.....woohoo, you too and already on the right track.
Hugs to you all, Karen
December 31, 2007 I'm
so excited to be setting here on New Years Eve, writing and
reflecting on the past 4 months. On Christmas Eve, I
celebrated my 4 month anniversary since my surgery. It
was an awesome day spent with family and friends in
anticipation of the next morning. Christmas morning
came and my world was even brighter. For the first
time since my son was born I was in total anticipation
for the day to be here. I was the first one up this
year...amazing, but totally true!
My family has a truly blessed day with many gifts being
exchanged and tons of laughs. It's the first time in
years I didn't hide from the camera, and the first time in
years I have totally wanted to take those morning pictures
with my children and with my parents at the end of the day. My
husband for the first time bought me clothes, not just
nighties etc, but actual jeans and shirts and they were
so beautiful I cried. I'm proud to say I have now gone
from a 24 and some 26/28 shirts to a LARGE! From
a 24W jeans to a 16regular!
I feel so blessed that I have been allowed to take this
journey, and while the losses to some may seem slow, I've
not played the yo yo game, when it's gone on the scale, its
gone for ever, so I am pleased. I woke up Christmas
morning to a greater loss than I had truly anticipated.
I had set my goal to 199 for Christmas and here I am, 11 lbs
lighter than that. I have also passed up my New Years
goal of 189!!! Woohoo for me I
am currently today, 188 lbs. I'm so thrilled!!!! I
hope that you have had truly blessed holidays and are
looking forward to a wonderful New Year!!!
January 7, 2008
Wow, it's so hard to believe that all my
babies (which are not really babies) started back to school today. I've
been so thrilled to have them home to do things with during the holidays, and it
was really odd to have to get them up for school this morning. The alarm
sure went off early...so it would seem.
I feel as though I have succeeded in getting through the holidays with my new
tunmy, not to many upsets..lol. Finding what you can eat and not eat has
been the real journey, but I am surely loving each step of the way.
It struck me a few days ago, that although I have posted the animation and can
watch it to see the difference in how I look, it's not quite as noticible until
you actually put the pictures side by side, so that is what my morning project
has been. I'm going to post it for all the world to see...lol, not that so
many folks are looking, but it's there if you care to take a peek.
I'm down 61 lbs so far to 188. I'd like to see 180 by February 1st if
possible. And, long term for me, *that is my birthday in March* I would
like to see 170 by the 14th of March. I think it can be done, just going
to have to hit the treadmill a little harder and start some other form of
exercise to rev it up a little.
Hope all is well with everyone, and that you are as blessed on your journey as I
have been.
Hugs, Karen
January 21, 2008
Here is a recipe for a "Flatout
Pizza" This recipe was given to me by the nutritionist at my Dr's
office. She's incredible!
1 Multigrain Flatout Bread (looks like a tortilla)
3/4 cup part -skim mozzarella cheese, shredded or cheese of your choice.
1/3 cup tomato sauce (Ragu's Robusta Parmesan Ramano is great)
1/2 cup red onion thinly sliced
1/2 medium green bell pepper, sliced
1/2 medium red bell pepper, sliced
1/2 medium yellow or orange bell pepper, sliced
1/2 cup fresh mushrooms, sliced (optional)
8 slices of pepperoni (70% less fat - found next to the regular sliced
pepperoni) optional
Preheat oven to 375 degrees or use toaster oven. Place flatout directly on
oven rack and bake for 2-4 minutes, until firm (it will become more firm as it
cools off). Remove from oven and sprinkle cheese over fatout bread.
Spoon tomato sauce over cheese in small dollops - placing sauce on the
cheese helps maintain a cripsier crust. Place veggies and pepperoni
over the cheese/tomato layer. Return to oven and bake until cheese is
bubbly. Remove. Cut into pieces and serve.
Serving size: 1 Flatout Pizza
Sugar......9 grams, Fiber.......16 grams, Fat.....19.75 grams,
Protein.....37.5 grams
I've been really trying to create a different menu for myself, and up until I
tried this one, I truly had not accomplished much in the way of diversity.
I am truly wanting to gain in my recipe collection because I find that eating
the same things day in and day out is what put me in the position to be over
weight to begin with. I wish I had been wise enough to know all the things
I know now. Hind sight? 20/20 of course, but, I must admit, that had
it not been for the weight problem in the past, I would not be experiencing the
many wonderful things in my life that are happening on a daily basis now.
I am blessed......more blessed each and every day!
Hugs to all my friends and fellow bench sitters! Karen
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